Enhancing your uniqueness

Brandishing Ltd Watford create brand identities that sum up who you are, what you do and what you stand for.

A strong brand identity is the gold dust that sets you apart from your competitors, instantly communicating both your business USP and your brand values.

What is brand identity and why does it matter? 

In short, it’s a visual thread of steel that runs through your whole business. Starting with a cracking logo, at its best it touches every point of your customer communications: your website, your advertising, even your invoices.

Get it right and it will make your brand instantly recognisable, memorable and professional.

Firstly, the logo. A great one will:  

  • Instantly communicate both what you do and what you value 

  • Be recognisable at a glance: simple, bold, striking

  • Transcend trends and fashions

  • Make a lasting impression